Adding Follow Up Dialogue Notes

Follow up Dialogue notes can be added for a prescription when Dialogue has already been completed.

To add follow up Dialogue notes:

  1. Open the Dialogue window using one of the following methods:

    • From the Workbench or Pick Up/Delivery tile, select the applicable prescription > Rx > Dialogue.

    • From the Patient Folder Clinical tab, select the applicable Dialogue and then Detail.

    • From the Patient Folder Profile tab, select the applicable prescription > Rx > Dialogue.

    • Detail the prescription from the Workbench, Patient Profile, or Audit History and select Rx > Dialogue.

    • Process the prescription from the Workbench or Patient Profile and select Rx > Dialogue.

  2. Follow up notes can be entered in one of two locations. Use the dropdowns to learn more.

  3. Select OK. The follow up note is added to the Previous Notes section of the window.

  4. Select Save.

  1. In the Previous Notes section, select Add Note. The Dialogue Note window opens.

  2. Enter your notes and/or select Quick Comments to choose from a list of pre-set pharmacist comments. You can select multiple comments by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard while making your selections.

  3. Select OK to close the Dialogue Note window. The follow up note is added to the Previous Notes section of the window.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Select Save.